Craigslist Dog Adoption Scams
A scammer on Craigs List Facebook or E-bay is selling a purebred puppy or kitten often for free or at a deeply discounted price for the breed.
Craigslist dog adoption scams. The scammers scour adoption ads and animal shelter registers looking for pets they know are in demand. REHOMING FEES and ADOPTION FEES ARE N E G O T I A B L E. Better Business Bureau BBB conducted a study on Craigslist puppy scams and other similar internet sales of dogs finding that 125 of all reported online purchase fraud was related.
Scams are widespread with unethical breeders and dealers frequently selling animals who are sick stolen or even nonexistent. The scammer first puts an ad offering pets for sale a very low cost. Do that a couple times a week and you can give up your day job.
Due to isolation and forced working from home people are desperate to find a pet to keep them company. I ALMOST GOT SCAMMED. Because of the current circumstances and unusual ways of doing business right now potential pet owners may not worry about buying a pet they have not met or seen yet.
It is estimated that pet adoption scam online is roughly 80 of pet ads. You contact the person and they explain that they just moved out of the country and their pet is having a horrible time accommodating to the new climate. I hope this helps YOU from being taken advantage of by the many scum bags that use CRAIGSLIST to scam people.
Now I am looking for a new pup but there are sooo many scammers on craigslist plus they all want HUGE rehoming fees. Craigslist is a place where the scammers begin their dirty deeds at honest peoples expense. The thieves almost always ask the victims to pay to ship the pet by air and they will send victims to bogus web sites of pet transportation companies set up.
Here is generally how it works. Many of these are dog scams on Craigslist. Buyers need to be warned and aware of how these disreputable Sellers play this game to rip them off.